The Naxalite, Police Officer, and Love

MG Singh
11 min readMay 2, 2024


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash


Marry was an Indian Christian and she had joined the Indian police service. She was posted for a six-month tenure in the Naxalite-infested area of Chhattisgarh. She took charge as the assistant superintendent. As she joined duty, her senior warned her to avoid going too deep into the forest unless it was a combing operation with armed police. She obeyed the instructions, but the Almighty has a hand in everything.

One evening, when returning from patrol Mary, 3 of her guards found a roadblock; a large tree had been placed on the small road. While she kept sitting in the jeep two men got down to lift the tree so the jeep could pass. Suddenly a shot rang in the air and about 15, Naxalites some armed with automatic rifles came out from the jungle. The entire party was taken by surprise and they couldn’t do anything. It would have been a disaster. The men moved towards the jeep and seeing the girl said to the men “You are lucky you are with a lady and we are not going to kill you now, but we will take you to our boss. As far as you are concerned. Feel lucky that you have survived.”

They disarmed the guards took Mary’s revolver and walked about 3 km into the jungle, Mary was surprised to see that they had been taken to a small camp. The men were taken away and put in one of the tents and she presumed they would be kept there. One of the men said, “Please come and meet the Chief.”

She was taken into another tent, and after her eyes got acclimatized to the light, she saw a man sitting in the chair. She was surprised he was young, About 27. He had a flowing beard and a fair complexion.

The man arose from his chair and said,” I am surprised that a lady police officer has been sent to us.’

Mary didn’t say anything.

The man continued, “You are lucky because we will not kill you though the police have killed some of our women combatants.”


Mary could make out the man’s demeanor was chic, and she wondered what he was doing in the jungle

He clapped his hands and shouted, “Get 2 cups of tea”. He turned to the girl and said, “Sit down on the chair.”

Mary had been feeling tired after the jungle trek and thankfully sat down

“What are you going to do with me?” She asked.

“Nothing, you will be a hostage here”.

A boy entered with 2 cups of tea. There were also some biscuits on a plate. He put the tray on the small wooden table and left. The man got up from his chair, and Mary noticed he was extremely fit. He picked up one cup and handed it to Mary.

“I hope you have not drugged it,” Mary asked.

“ Why should I, you are my prisoner; drink the tea. It is good Assam tea, something that I like and miss the Assam tea plantations.

“Were you there before?”

“Yes, I was the manager of one of the estates in Silchar before I joined the Communist movement.”

“Do you think you did the right thing?”

“I do not know because I have so many doubts in my mind now and I realize we will not be able to defeat the government. Perhaps if we come out in the open and fight an electoral battle would be better but at the moment your police are hunting for me and I have a reward of ₹100,000 on my head.”

“You are not scared.”

“Not at all and I don’t mind dying but of course, I do miss the days when I was in Calcutta.”

“What were you doing in Calcutta?”

“I was studying there at the Calcutta University. I did my PhD in philosophy.”

Mary was bewildered, how could a highly educated man take to fighting the government in a guerilla war, in which there was very little chance of their winning?

She sipped the tea and found it was good and welcome. She looked at the man and said,” Why did you leave Calcutta?”

“You know my parents are there and they don’t know I am in Chhattisgarh. My name is MN Roy and revolution is in my blood. The Communist Party of India has made common cause with the government and joined them but I feel a revolution is ripe in Chhattisgarh where the tribals are exploited.”

“You seem to be an intellectual.”

“No, not at all. I’m a very lethal man and I killed many of the policemen in encounters but now I feel it is better to give up this life.”

“Will you give it up?”

“No, because if I do somebody from the cadre will kill me because they would consider my decision a betrayal and so I must continue.’

“It is getting dark, and where am I going to sleep.”

“In my tent.”

“I can’t sleep with a man in the same room.”

Roy smiled and said, “You have no choice, and rest assured I do not believe in molesting any woman because if I put you in another tent, my men can get other ideas. We are rarely able to capture a woman police officer and I must say you’re beautiful.”

“What about clothes I don’t have any”

“ I will give you a Ghagra and a blouse and ask one of our women guards to come and give them to you He whistled, perhaps it was a call sign and a woman entered. I could make out that she was short and young. She came in and seeing Mary asked, “What can I do?”

“Would you give her a Ghagra and blouse to change and take her to the loo?”

“After everything was over, Mary came and sat down in the tent She wore the Ghaghra and the blouse the girl had given. She had also asked her to remove her underclothes. “No,” Mary had resisted,” I don’t want to do these things.”

The girl replied, “We have a woman who does the washing, she will wash your clothes as well.”

She is sitting in the tent with the Ghagra and the blouse but without underclothes, wondering what will happen. She was not scared and decided she would fight anything that happened to her.

Roy entered the 1tent and said, “ I could never imagine you are so beautiful. The Ghagra fits you wonderfully and the blouse is so beautiful it accentuates your beauty”

“Don’t talk like this,” she said,” I am your enemy and hostage.”

“I am beginning to wonder whether you are an enemy because I have a feeling ultimately you will be on our side.”

“I will never take part in any killing.”

“But you came here for a tenure, and that includes killing us”

He paused and continued, “It’s time for dinner. I will eat dinner with my men but somebody will bring yours. Maybe one of the girls will bring dinner for you. I hope you will be thankful.” With these words, Roy left with the words, “ It is pretty late now.” One of the guards entered with a tray. Mary had been feeling hungry for a long time and was excited to see the rice and the fish curry with the onion salad. she relished the meal or maybe she was in a position where she was hungry and eager to satisfy her need.

After she is finished, she wants to go out with the tray and leave it. As she stepped out of the tent she found a guard there and he said,” Don’t leave, you remain in the tent.” Meanwhile, the girl who brought the tray took the empty tray back and Mary came back and settled in the chair

She observed, there was one bed more like a camp cot, which is part of the kit given to Officers of the Police. Roy entered and asked, “I hope you like the meal.”

“Yes, it was not bad but you must be careful. The news of my kidnapping would have gone to headquarters and a battalion of the police would be searching for me and my three men. What are you going to do with them.”

“Nothing, they are lucky with you. I’m going to put them in our Jeep and leave them miles away from this place in the jungle and they will have to fend for themselves and perhaps they will reach the camp but they will not know where we are because I will blindfold them while taking them away.”

“Thank you for their lives,” Mary said, “but what are you going to do with me?”

“ I don’t know. You are so beautiful almost like a doll. I don’t know why you wore the uniform, you would be much better off in Bombay films.”

He continued, “You know the famous actress Piety Zinta, you remind me of her and I’m glad you’re so lovely, which part of India are you from?”

“ Madras”

“Then you are a Brahmin convert because it is only the Brahmin girls who are so fair. you remember Jalalitha?”

Mary did not answer.

Roy continued, “I will be sleeping on the floor here and you can sleep on the bed, but I think we can chat philosophy.”

“Which part of India are you from?” Mary asked though she knew what he had told her that he was a Bengali.

Roy replied, “You already know, I told you I am from Calcutta and I miss Calcutta, Park Street, Chowranghee, and all the places there.

“Why don’t you surrender and go back?”

“No way, I will fight to the end because somebody must fight for the poor tribals who are exploited.”

They were into an animated conversation and she realized that Roy was an extremely knowledgeable man. They talked about everything politics, Plato, Aristotle, free love land they had passed valuable time. Roy looked at his watch and said, “Can you imagine we have been talking for four hours?”

Mary kept quiet, but she was impressed with the man.

He just smiled and said,” I can see you are so beautiful,”

Three days passed, and one day Roy told her, “Your three men have been set free 50 miles from this place, they were blindfolded and taken there and left.”

“What about me?”

“Do you want to escape? you tell me.”

“If you want to go, you’re free to go but bear in mind that for me, you are the most precious thing in the world. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I wonder if I should tell you.”

“Yes, tell me”

“I have seen you naked when you were changing clothes in this tent from a small window and believe me, I have never seen a more beautiful girl than you. I don’t want to keep you against your wish but I hope you will stay.”

Suddenly a clap of thunder hit the sky and rain began to fall. There was a flash and a loud sound as lightning hit a tree nearby. Mary clutched Roy. It was something she didn’t intend, but Roy had gathered her in his arms and began to kiss her.

“Stop it,” she said. She liked the man and the philosophical talk they had been having and she knew he was not an ordinary man. His tongue probed deep into her mouth and Mary was wondering what was going to happen. “Please Mary,” he said,” I see Lord Krishna has made you. Outside, there is thunder and lightning and all the men would be in the tents, but you come with me into the rain.”

Mary did not know what to say, and soon he had gathered her in his arms, and then she realized his prodigious strength. The raindrops were falling, and she was cradled in his arms, her lips were glued to him, and soon her blouse had become wet and clung to her body. Her Ghaghra highlighted her body and its charms.

Roy took her to a small patch of grass. There was nobody around and he laid her on the soft grass and opened the buttons of her blouse. He circumscribed her breasts now bare with his tongue and the saliva spread all over them. He did it repeatedly and then suckled her nipples. The rain was falling and Mary was wet. It was heavy rain something she had never experienced. His other hand was now moving down and he was loosening the cord that bound her ghagra and pulling it down, The lord had bared all her treasures to him.

He traced an exotic pattern with his tongue, while the rain continued to fall on both of them, and Mary found that she had put his face between her thighs. He was licking as if his life depended on it and she reached orgasm. How many she could never count, the rain continued to fall, and it was a hedonistic delight, she was conscious that he had taken her. It was much better than the last time she had sex with a college friend who had been Boorish. He was gentle and so understanding. She had reached a pitch with his tongue and she had already orgasmed twice, and now she was willing to receive him. The rain continued to fall and now he had covered her completely and she was safe as it fell on his back. It was the beast in him that came up and soon she felt an orgasm as she was floating in the heavens, she had forgotten about the rain and it was over and he lay painting on of her. The next three days were spent in total bliss and soon the second in command came to Roy and said

“Sir, I think you have forgotten about the revolution. My advice is to kill the girl now and move from the area because the police will be coming here soon.”

Roy thought for a moment, “No, he said we are not going to kill. No purpose will be served. But yes, we should move from this camp, pack up, and move.”

He looked at Mary and said, “My darling. I’m going to set you free. I will show you the path it’s not very far. Your police have no idea of the jungle. We are very close to your camp. you can .go”

“What about you?”

“I will go with my men to another place.”

She wanted to say I want to come with you, but the words never came to her lips.

He sensed what she wanted to say and replied. “Don’t worry get transferred to Calcutta. I will come there.”

She found the camp dismantled in 15 minutes and they were all moving away, and Roy came to her kissed her, and said,” You go straight, here is a compass, for 3 miles then turn right and you will reach the camp and we will become invisible in the jungle.”

Mary left and soon she was at the Police camp. There was a lot of hue and cry. People were asking where she had been and whether she had been tortured, She didn’t reply but made her report to the IG. In the report, she stated that a general amnesty be given to all the rebels.

The IG read the report and was irritated. He wrote,” The tenure of the officer is over and she is transferred to Calcutta.”


She reached Calcutta and took charge, but things were moving very fast and once when she was sitting in the chair, she felt uneasy and realized she had missed two periods. She got a test done and it was confirmed that she was pregnant. She was sitting in the chair wondering what was going to happen. ٍٍRoy belongs to Calcutta. He studied at Calcutta University. If Roy came to know that she was with child he would leave and come to Calcutta.

She sat in the chair closed her eyes and wondered if Lord Krishna would help her. She had a feeling that he would soon be coming. Did Roy come back into her life and did he take her as his woman, did they live happily ever after or did Mary get an abortion? Fiends you have to wait for the next story to know the truth



MG Singh

An early retired air warrior and corporate advisor. A prolific writer on the net with over 1 million views and has written 20 books including 7 novels.